Distinguished otolaryngologists were honored and generations of physicians connected at the 2024 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Distinguished otolaryngologists were honored and generations of physicians connected at the 2024 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Adam’s apple reduction in transgender patients produced significant benefit for the patients, according to findings presented at the 2022 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting.
The implant—the result of 10 years of work, according to the researchers—dangles the prospect of a new reconstruction option for laryngeal cancer.
President Michael Benninger, MD, reviewed the state of journal publishing and its sometimes untapped potential while underscoring the importance of being involved, even when spare time is limited.
Otolaryngology experts examined important clinical questions in five areas—from antivirals for newborn hearing to tonsillar cancer—during the Triological Society’s “Best Practices” session.
When deciding whether to perform tracheotomies during COVID-19 required laryngologists to balance important medical and resource needs with the possibly grave infection risks to medical personnel.
More procedures performed at high-volume hospitals and careful certification of surgeons in clinical trials are ways to improve the quality and value in head and neck care, panelists said.
New but limited data have emerged suggesting that oral steroids with olfactory training may be a safe and effective treatment for loss of smell due to COVID-19.