The success of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) often depends on patient selection and expectations, according to several experts.

The success of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) often depends on patient selection and expectations, according to several experts.
The incidence of thyroid cancer has sharply increased over the past decade, with estimates showing a rise in newly diagnosed cases from about 17,000 in 1998 to more than 30,000 in 2007.
Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) is a relatively new treatment in the United States and is a viable option for several types of head and neck cancer, allowing physicians to target tumors without needing to surgically disassemble the patient, according to the experts interviewed for this article.
The modified Lothrop procedure is becoming the standard method for treating severe frontal sinus disease, but the osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy still has a role.
New endoscopic technology allows skilled surgeons to perform minimally invasive operations such as delicate esthesioneuroblastoma resection-but a leader in the field suggests that just because the procedure can be performed endoscopically doesn’t necessarily mean it should be attempted.
Even though tonsillectomies are a commonly performed procedure, research continues to find out more about how to best do the surgery, as well as other values of the procedure.
The general otolaryngologist’s office practice is full of patients with sleep disorders-the hypertensive male with epistaxis, the snoring child with ADHD, the woman with fatigue and restless sleep.
Laser involution of early stage glottic cancer-with complete treatment of the malignancy weeks after the first session-appears to offer long-term control of the disease while preserving excellent voice function, researchers reported at the 88th annual meeting of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA).
Researchers recommended that otolaryngologists might empirically treat selected patients with sinus headaches as if these patients actually had migraines, following study results illustrating that the use of triptans brought relief to more than 80% of these individuals.