One of the goals of genetic testing for hearing loss is to provide a precise diagnosis to guide treatment

Children with small tonsils may not experience the same benefit and may have other sources of obstruction contributing to their OSA
There is no sufficient scientific evidence to support a difference between ITD and alternative therapy for SSNHL
Layrngeal pacemaker system neurostimulation results in an immediate and stable peak expiratory flow improvement
Progressive resistance training is also associated with high patient satisfaction
Either treatment is effective for disease control with minimal morbidity and preservation of voice quality
Oral isotretinoin as chemoprophylaxis for patients treated for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, in situ disease, or dysplasia may be beneficial in decreasing recurrence rate
The decision is one of the greatest debates within maxillofacial trauma
The benefits of cocaine are unique in terms of its singular ability to both vasoconstrict and anesthetize the nasal mucosa
A gradual approach to the management of OME postradiotherapy is recommended