How frequent are revisits following ambulatory pediatric tonsillectomy/adenotonsillectomy, and what are their characteristics?
Study Cites Complications, Legal Outcomes of Tonsillectomy Malpractice
What are the complications following tonsillectomy and the legal outcomes of malpractice claims?
Adult Tonsillectomy Patients Using Ketorolac at Greater Risk of Hemorrhage
What are the risks of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage associated with peri-operative ketorolac use for adult and pediatric patients?
Despite Risk of Bleeding, Dexamethasone Should Be Used after Tonsillectomy in Children
Is there an increased risk of post-tonsillectomy bleeding when dexamethasone is used intraoperatively?

Is Partial Tonsillectomy Equivalent to Total Tonsillectomy for Obstructive Symptoms?
Partial tonsillectomy is equivalent to total tonsillectomy for the treatment of obstructive symptoms in children; however the outcomes are not standardized and many studies are limited

Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
TLM safe salvage option for T1a and T1b glottic cancers; post-operative pain and bleeding risk following tonsillectomy; tissue-engineered regeneration of mastoid air cells improves eustachian tube function; two-stage process repairs internal lining in nasal deformity; impact of treatment modality and radiation technique in cancer patients; psychological impact of wait time for thyroid surgery

Post-Tonsillectomy Taste Disorders Rare but Present
Although rare, long-term taste complications following tonsillectomy may indicate a need for more pre-op counseling and post-op follow-up

Tonsillectomy Surgical Practices May Play a Role in Taste Disorders
Otolaryngologists suspect that prolonged tongue depression during tonsillectomy could result in taste disturbance

Pediatric Tonsillectomies on the Rise
Testing Recommendation for Children with Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Before determining the need for tonsillectomy, it is highly beneficial to refer children with sleep-disordered breathing for polysomnography (PSG)