One in 20 children are prescribed codeine after undergoing tonsillectomy despite FDA black box warning regarding safety and efficacy issues associated with prescribing the opioid to children after these surgeries.

Experts Offer Tips, Insights on Common Head and Neck Surgical Procedures
The panel at the AAO-NHS Annual Meeting offered advice on glossectomy, tonsillectomy and neck dissection, and parotidectomy

What Is the Best Management of Asymptomatic Unilateral Tonsillar Enlargement?
There is little evidence to support that UTE always requires tonsillectomy to rule out lymphoma
Isolated Tonsillectomy Valid Treatment for OSA in Some Adults
Tonsillectomy can be considered for patients with mild OSA who have severe obstructing anatomy that is surgically correctible
Impact of Pediatric Tonsillectomy Guidelines on Clinical Practice
Understanding the rationale utilized by clinicians who choose not to adhere to clinical practice guidelines, and developing additional processes to foster compliance

Hospital Type Affects Cost, Outcome of Tonsillectomies in Kids
Tonsillectomies performed in kids at children’s teaching hospitals have a significantly higher cost, are more likely to involve complications, and result in more comorbidities than when performed at other types of hospitals.

Is Adenoidectomy Alone Sufficient for Treating Pediatric Airway Obstruction?
Research shows that post-surgery tonsillectomy may be needed in up to 29% of pediatric adenoidectomy cases
Impact of Pediatric Tonsillectomy Guidelines on Clinical Practice
Despite tonsillectomy being the most common operative procedure performed in the United States, considerable variation exists in management and resource utilization
Transoral Robotic-Assisted Surgery Safe for Benign Indications
TORS deemed safe, effective for lingual tonsillectomy, base of tongue resection procedures in benign diseases, including obstructive sleep apnea

Best Methods for Tonsillectomy, Saliendoscopy, and Earning Patient Trust
Otolaryngologists discuss how to cultivate trust in patients prior to surgical procedures