Transnasal balloon catheter dilation of eustachian tube relieves ear pressure; fat graft myringoplasty highly successful in certain tympanic membrane perforations; molecular testing may improve differentiated thyroid cancer diagnoses; polysomnography widely used in pediatrics, but not up to practice guidelines; length of intubation, number of sedation doses affect subglottic stenosis risk in children; little difference between tetracaine and lidocaine for nasal endoscopy

What Is the Treatment of the Lateral Neck in Clinically Localized Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Cancer?
Can lateral neck dissection be withheld if imaging of the lateral neck is negative and there are positive central lymph nodes?

Molecular Testing for Thyroid Nodules Recommended as Adjunct to Fine Needle Aspiration

Management Issues in Recurrent and Metastatic Thyroid Cancer
The incidence of thyroid cancer has sharply increased over the past decade, with estimates showing a rise in newly diagnosed cases from about 17,000 in 1998 to more than 30,000 in 2007.

Dartmouth Atlas Takes Aim at Excess Utilization of Medical Resources
Report from the Society of University Otolaryngologists

New Paradigms Emerging in Diagnosis, Management of Thyroid Cancer

Academic Head and Neck Surgery: Educating Our Future
Despite much belief to the contrary, tobacco control has been a major public health success over the last four decades.

New Evidence-Based Guidelines on Thyroid Cancer
New guidelines published by the American Thyroid Association hope to offer stronger evidence on which to base diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.