It is evident that BRAF does predict recurrence and unfavorable characteristics in differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC).
Interplay of Factors Account for Rise in Thyroid Cancer Diagnoses
Most of the increase in incidence of thyroid cancer is related to factors that promote early diagnosis of low-risk lesions.
Changes in Thyroid Cancer Incidence Post-2009 ATA Guidelines
The rapid increase in thyroid cancer incidence rates over the past three decades has recently slowed
Research Highlights from the 2017 TRIO Annual Meeting
Investigators from around the country presented their findings at the 120th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society
New Research Calls for Sex-Specific Therapies for Thyroid, Head and Neck Cancer
Study Raises Concern over Imaging after Thyroid Cancer
The use of neck ultrasounds, radioiodine scans, and PET scans in people diagnosed with thyroid cancer was associated with additional treatment for recurrence.
Updated Thyroid Nodule Guidelines Give Recommendations on Diagnosis, Treatment
The American Thyroid Association released the third iteration of its thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer guidelines
Rise in Incidence of Thyroid Cancer Blamed on Overdiagnosis
SM14: The Great Debate – Point/Counterpoint
Panelists at the Triological Society’s 2014 Combined Sections Meeting debate treatment options for unilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss and recurrent thyroid tumors.
SM14: Treatment for Thyroid Tumors and Benefits of Hearing Devices Spark Debate Among Otolaryngologists
Experts weigh the pros and cons of surgery for recurrent thyroid tumors, and safety of bone-anchored hearing aids versus unilateral cochlear implants in a panel discussion at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Miami Beach, Fla. in January