Part 1 of a series

Laser, Radiotherapy Appear Similar in Oncologic Outcomes for Glottic Cancer
A meta-analysis of the literature suggests that oncologic and voice quality results are similar if patients with early-stage glottic cancer are treated with either transoral laser surgery or external beam radiotherapy.

Medical Simulation: Limited Funding Limits the Possibilities: Part 2 of 2 articles
At first glance, the Otolaryngology Surgery Simulation Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York resembles a traditional temporal bone dissection lab.

Studies Examine Semicircular Canal Dehiscence, Stapedectomy Prostheses.
Be careful not to be too quick to say that a patient’s problems are due to canal dehiscence.
Intraoperative Volume CT Demonstrates Appeal, but Questions Remain
Intraoperative volume CT is showing promise as a tool to help with complex endoscopic sinonasal and skull base procedures.

End-to-End Blood Vessel Coupler Also Safe, Effective in End-to-Side Use
The use of an end-to-side coupling device for anastomosis appears to successfully work in challenging cases involving head and neck reconstruction following resection of cancer, researchers reported here at the 111th annual meeting of the Triological Society.

Transoral Laser Microsurgery a Viable Option for Head and Neck Patients
Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) is a relatively new treatment in the United States and is a viable option for several types of head and neck cancer, allowing physicians to target tumors without needing to surgically disassemble the patient, according to the experts interviewed for this article.

More Experience Needed for Endoscopic Resection of Esthesioneuroblastoma
New endoscopic technology allows skilled surgeons to perform minimally invasive operations such as delicate esthesioneuroblastoma resection-but a leader in the field suggests that just because the procedure can be performed endoscopically doesn’t necessarily mean it should be attempted.

EMR and Advertising: Strange Bedfellows?
Electronic medical records (EMR) are to health care professionals what world peace is to humanity-everyone wants it, but not everyone agrees how to go about it.

Medical Simulation: The View from 30,000 Feet
Part 1 of 2 articles
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