Mobile devices have the power to change health care as we know it.

Mobile devices have the power to change health care as we know it.
Procedures that now represent the cutting edge of cochlear implant (CI) surgery.
Carefully weigh costs when deciding on a cloud technology.
There is no one right answer to the question of which imaging test is best for patients with hearing loss who are candidates for cochlear implantation. Age, underlying pathology and the ability to tolerate radiation and sedation are just a few of the variables that can determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) or both are chosen in this clinical setting.
Lasers may have first been introduced into medicine 60 years ago, but removing disease while keeping healthy tissue intact can still be a complicated proposition, said Mark Courey, MD, director of the University of California San Francisco Voice Center, who gave a State of the Art Lecture here on April 20 at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society. The meeting was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Employing cloud computing in a medical practice can result in significant cost savings, among other advantages. There are also significant risks that each health care organization must face when transitioning to cloud-based hosting.
Five health care apps for mobile devices and tablets available to patients
Although voice disorders in children are not new, recognition of the need to address and treat these disorders in many children is increasing.
Cloud computing is the delivery of your computing needs as a service rather than as a suite of products that you have to purchase and maintain. Why couldn’t we do that with an EMR or EHR for our patients?