An effective eluting endotracheal tube to modulate upper-airway bacterial infection during intubation could be deployed to help prevent subglottic stenosis.

How To: Balloon-Assisted Rib Graft Placement in Endoscopic Posterior Cricoid Split Procedure
We present a modified EPCS/RG that involves the use of balloon dilation to aid in the the placement of the cartilage graft into the divided cricoid lamina.
Geometric Variables Can Help Predict Subglottic Stenosis Patients Who Need Surgical Intervention
Computational 3D models could be used as a predictive tool to estimate the effect of various medical and surgical interventions
Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
Transnasal balloon catheter dilation of eustachian tube relieves ear pressure; fat graft myringoplasty highly successful in certain tympanic membrane perforations; molecular testing may improve differentiated thyroid cancer diagnoses; polysomnography widely used in pediatrics, but not up to practice guidelines; length of intubation, number of sedation doses affect subglottic stenosis risk in children; little difference between tetracaine and lidocaine for nasal endoscopy
Researchers Develop Clinically Relevant Animal Model for Subglottic Injury
Can a clinically aligned, reproducible model for subglottic injury be developed? Background: Animal models for subglottic stenosis (SGS) have been invaluable in understanding the underlying mechanisms and in developing new […]
Bioabsorbable Miniplates for Subglottic Stenosis Are Safe and Effective
What is the efficacy and safety of bioabsorbable miniplates as an alternative to autologous grafts in single-stage laryngotracheal reconstruction for subglottic stenosis? Background: Since the 1960s, the incidence of acquired subglottic […]