The management of vestibular neuritis with corticosteroids remains controversial.

The management of vestibular neuritis with corticosteroids remains controversial.
A short course of postoperative steroids decreased postoperative tonsillectomy hemorrhage risk.
The suggests attempting preoperative steroid injections prior to proceeding with surgical excision
The only treatments that have been clearly shown to be effective are antibiotics for wet CC and inhaled steroids for dry CC
Does the administration of IV steroids immediately after adenotonsillectomy impact the frequency of post-operative bleeding requiring reoperation?
How effective are steroids versus vocal rest in combating vocal fold inflammation from voice overuse?
Oral steroids in chronic rhinosinusitis; macrolide therapy for chronic rhinosinusitis; parotid gland lymphoma consideration in parotid lesion evaluation; better dialogues with patients may minimize liability in cranial nerve injury malpractice trials; obesity in children with OSA can lead to depression, withdrawal; many otolaryngologists dissatisfied with current sinus CT results
Does the administration of systemic steroids during the post-operative course affect the morbidity associated with tonsillectomy surgery? Background: Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in North […]
Routine ICU admission for all post-surgical OSA patients unnecessary; parent education for adenotonsillectomy risks; resident Facebook postings impact professionalism; no difference in life expectancy with HNSCC imaging modality; nasal steroids effective in chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis; costs of laryngeal diseases.
A woman presented with a chief complaint of throat pain of four weeks duration and hoarseness of several years duration. She eventually presented to the otolaryngology clinic complaining of a four-week history of odynophagia associated with a frequent urge to clear her throat.