The healthcare burden of administering sleep studies is substantial, although the annual cost is declining.

Positive Pressure Adherence Higher With Nasal Pillow Interfaces
The presence of nasal problems does not predict the need for an oronasal mask
Pyriform Aperture Growth Curve and CNPAS in Kids
Can a more comprehensive treatment plan be based on a growth curve of the pyriform aperture for patients with congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS)? Bottom Line The growth curve […]
Symptoms, Physical Characteristics, OSA-18 Can Predict Pediatric OSA
The clinical prediction model created for this study was found to be useful in identifying pediatric patients at high-risk for OSA among those with sleep disturbances

When to Order a Sleep Study in Children Who Snore
While guidelines help to determine when to order a sleep study, clinical judgment is vital
Few Outcome Differences, Higher Costs for DISE and TORS to Treat OSA
Patients who underwent UPPP±T without DISE did not show a statistically significant difference in outcomes compared to the patients who underwent DISE with other procedures, including TORS
2013 CPT Code Changes May Impact Your Practice
New Current Procedural Terminology codes, including codes for reporting pediatric sleep studies and intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring, are now available.

Making the Diagnosis: Sleep expert warns about OSA risk in obese children
The most significant danger to children now is obesity, and of the many related comorbidities that affect obese children, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) will impact a child’s life more than anything else, according to Carole Marcus, MD, an invited lecturer here last month at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.Dr. Marcus is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the sleep center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Minimizing Risk: Experts share tips on how to manage OSA patients undergoing surgery
For patients undergoing surgery, identification of known or suspected obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is critical to avoid or minimize surgical complications that are increased in these patients, experts said here last month at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.

A Prevalent Problem: Studies report sleep deprivation in colleagues, patients
Among the issues highlighted here last month at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, was the effect of inadequate sleep on both the health of the individual and on society at large. Two studies presented at the meeting, for example, looked at the effects of inadequate sleep on health care providers and the risks posed to their health and the health of their patients. Another study put into context just how underreported inadequate sleep and sleep disorders are and elaborated on the challenge this poses to otolaryngologists and others who are on the frontlines managing these disorders.