Daytime somnolence and sleep apnea are associated with dizziness in the elderly. New study shows that these conditions have an independent link to dizziness apart from the many overlapping comorbidities that are often seen in an older population

Daytime somnolence and sleep apnea are associated with dizziness in the elderly. New study shows that these conditions have an independent link to dizziness apart from the many overlapping comorbidities that are often seen in an older population
The meeting will comprise more than 100 sessions and more than 1,000 research abstracts presented in oral and poster formats (including late-breaking abstract presentations), giving attendees the opportunity to enjoy […]
Ansa Cervicalis Stimulation could become a viable ancillary respiratory neurostimulation (RNS) strategy for patients with insufficient responses to hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS).
At least two new hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) devices are being evaluated in clinical trials, and more are in development.
Although OSA is known to lead to arousals and central apneas, no study has identified factors associated with CSA improvement following adenotonsillectomy.
BRP and ESP procedure outcomes are comparable in the improvement of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with palatal collapse, although further trials and long-term follow-up are needed.
The conversation about which medical specialists are best suited to treat patients with sleep disorders evolved even more recently.
Screening for depression in patients with OSA would be worthwhile because there is a high rate of comorbidity, and both are intertwined in their pathophysiology and management.
Panelists share insights about their experience with infant sleep challenges.
Post-treatment improvements in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores, daytime sleepiness, and quality of life were observed after the Elevoplasty procedure.