Is exposure to secondhand smoke a risk factor for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS)? Background: There are surprisingly few studies that address the association between secondhand smoke (SHS) and sinusitis, and most use […]
Treating Allergic Rhinitis: A Patient Experiment
Berrylin J. Ferguson, MD, FACS, FAAOA, associate professor of otolaryngology and director of the Division of Sino-Nasal Disorders and Allergy at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pittsburgh, Pa., uses the following form to help determine which allergy treatments will work best for each patient.

Alternative Remedies for Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Are complementary and alternative treatments harmful or advisable?
Laurie McCombs, 53, has dealt with sinus problems nearly all of her adult life. Clogged sino-nasal passages made it difficult for her to breathe at night, and the congestion caused morning pressure headaches. Over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines muted her symptoms but did not address their cause. At the age of 40, she decided to take the advice of friends who had experienced relief with acupuncture. Now McCombs follows the advice of the acupuncturist, who diagnosed her with allergies to dairy products and yeast, by limiting her intake of breads and milk products. She also continues to take loratadine and has found saline irrigation with the neti pot helpful in clearing her sinuses.

Experts Debate Surgical Approaches To Sinus Disease
Part 1 of 2 articles
PHILADELPHIA-Surgeons are faced with many options for approaching diseases of the sinus, and the right approach is not always clear-cut. Five experts reviewed several approaches at Rhinology World held recently here, with some favoring a more aggressive approach, some preferring to be less aggressive, and others highlighting new technology.

Computer Technology Boosts Rhinologic Surgery, but Poses Choices for Surgeons
PHILADELPHIA-Constantly advancing computer technology in rhinologic surgery leads to the possibility of better patient care, but also can mean difficult decisions for surgeons weighing whether to make an expensive purchase. Three surgeons gathered to discuss some of the nuances of the technology in a mini seminar at Rhinology World 2009.

Nose News: Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Middle Meatal Stents
Just how much of the nose plays a role in sleep-disordered breathing should probably get a bit more attention.
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