How cost effective is the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for evaluating patients with idiopathic olfactory loss?

Are Stents Necessary after Choanal Atresia Repair?
Patient outcomes are good regardless of whether postoperative stents are used, but repair without stents lessens intensity of postsurgical management and avoids potential for stent-related complications
What Is the Best Method for Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy Surgery?
Making a successful transition to office-based inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH) surgery depends on proper coding and other financial concerns. But a more basic question first needs to be considered before breaking out the calculator: What is the optimal technique for performing the surgery?
Ancient Remedy for Chronic Rhinosinusitis Comes with Fresh Warnings
CAM Therapy Effective in Treating Chronic Sinusitis
Activated hexose correlated compound (AHCC) and ginseng are some doctor-recommended, go-to complementary and alternative medicine treatments for patients with chronic sinusitis

What Is the Role of Long-Term Macrolide Therapy in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Chronic Rhinosinusitis?
Long-duration therapy with macrolide antibiotics has been advocated for the treatment of recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). However, uncertainty exists as to which patients will respond to such treatment, the degree of benefit likely to be obtained, and the relevant risks to the patient and community at large

Conflicting Evidence on Tobacco’s Effect on ESS Outcomes
Does smoking prevent sinus surgery from making patients feel better? Over the years, evidence and expert opinion have varied on this topic. As a result, some surgeons refuse to provide endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) for active smokers, while others will operate because they believe surgery improves quality of life.
Medical Management for CRS Improves QOL
In patients who have failed medical management for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), are there greater quality of life (QOL) outcome improvements with further medical therapy or endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS)? Background: Although […]

A Clinical Challenge: Nasal valve compromise can be a dicey problem, panelists say
Problems with the nasal valve that lead to difficulty with breathing can be tricky, in terms of both diagnosis and treatment, said a group of experts here at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting on Jan. 28.
Nasopharyngeal Trumpet Serves as Direct Conduit in Fiberoptic Intubation
Is there a simple approach to facilitating fiberoptic intubation in the difficult airway? Background: Although fiberoptic intubation is one of the more successful and frequently utilized methods to access the difficult […]