If primary care physicians are to be believed, home is where the patient is-the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PC-MH), that is.

If primary care physicians are to be believed, home is where the patient is-the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PC-MH), that is.
By March 1, 2008, otolaryngologists offering point-of-care CT scanning-and who are UnitedHealthcare providers-must initiate accreditation of their diagnostic facilities.
How are your patients doing? Do you know the impact of their disorders-and the management approach you selected for them-on their health-related quality of life?
Otolaryngologist Martin L. Hopp, MD, PhD, of Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, believes that in-office computed tomography (CT) scanning is the trifecta of care for otolaryngologists and their patients.
Contrary to popular belief, CMS is in the business of paying for quality care, not just the volume of care provided.
Standards proposed by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) for the compounding of sterile medication could be applied to vial mixing in the office.
Payers are convinced that compensating physicians and hospitals for meeting quality targets, also known as “pay for performance” (P4P), is an important step in bridging the quality chasm identified by the Institute of Medicine in 1999.