Steps to help physicians set personal and professional goals, define their scope of practice, determine which services to offer, and avoid common mistakes when launching a private practice

Steps to help physicians set personal and professional goals, define their scope of practice, determine which services to offer, and avoid common mistakes when launching a private practice
Key benefits, as well as legal structure options, post-merger governance, noncompetition and buy-out provisions, and bail out clauses should be addressed when contemplating a medical practice merger
Sharing a similar work ethic, approach to patient care, and compatible professional values matter most when choosing a physician partner
Ongoing payment reform, healthcare consolidation forces otolaryngology practices to reconsider ways doctors are paid
Physician tips for maintaining a professional relationship with flirtatious patients
Otolaryngologist job candidates should be prepared for credential verification, reference checking and additional background investigations
As otolarngology practices earn more income from meeting quality measures and patient satisfaction goals, dividing money among staffers becomes an increasingly important consideration
Sites provide tool to market products, services, but comments hard to control
Although a shared savings model currently dominates for ACOs, it may not be the best long-term approach