Currently there is a lack of a validated disease specific, quality of life instrument, available to assess the impact of CRS on the pediatric CF patient population

Otolaryngologists Well-Positioned for Diagnosis, Treatment of Pediatric Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Esophagoscopy with biopsy is an important adjunct to airway endoscopy in children with refractory aerodigestive symptoms
Pediatric Aspiration, Ingestion Remain Frequent
Incidence of pediatric consumer product ingestion has continued to rise, whereas incidence of aspiration has remained relatively stable

What Are Management Options for Chronic Cough in Children
The only treatments that have been clearly shown to be effective are antibiotics for wet CC and inhaled steroids for dry CC
Impact of Pediatric Tonsillectomy Guidelines on Clinical Practice
A look at the impact the pediatric tonsillectomy guidelines, published by the AAO-HNS in January 2011, have had on individual
practicing clinicians
Can Tonsil Size Help Predict Pediatric OSA Severity?
An evaluation of a child with sleep-disordered breathing requires a careful assessment of symptoms as well as tonsil size

The Latest and Greatest: New Approaches for Otolaryngological Disorders
Experts discuss new developments in pediatric otology, hearing loss in adults, Eustachian tube treatment, and nerve monitoring during bilateral thyroidectomy at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting
Lingual Tonsillectomy Can Help Pediatric Patients with Down Syndrome and Persistent OSA
In children with DS, who have persistent OSA after T&A and lingual tonsil hypertrophy, LT significantly improved AHI, oAHI, and O2 saturation nadir
Alloiococcus otitidis May Play Large Role in Otits Media with Effusion
The microenvironment of the middle ear may play a greater role in the composition of the microbiota in children with OME

Should Pediatric Tympanomastoidectomy and Cochlear Implantation Routinely Be Performed as Outpatient Surgery?
Tympanomastoid surgery can be safely performed as an outpatient procedure in the pediatric population.
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