Readmission rates vary directly with the type of procedure performed, as well as patient level factors

Is Adenoidectomy Alone Sufficient for Treating Pediatric Airway Obstruction?
Research shows that post-surgery tonsillectomy may be needed in up to 29% of pediatric adenoidectomy cases

Best Timing for Second Implant in Pediatric Bilateral Cochlear Implantation
Research suggests bilateral implants should be placed simultaneously when feasible
MRI, CT Imaging Beneficial for Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Both techniques can yield diagnostic information in evaluation of hearing loss in children

X-Ray, Nasal Endoscopy and Adenoid Hypertrophy in Children
Flexible nasal endoscopy best to gauge adenoid size; lateral neck x-ray can be used for children unable to cooperate with endoscopy
Newborn Hearing Screening Affects Age Children Receive Cochlear Implantation
Screening allows for early detection of hearing impairment; has led to more children implanted at a younger age
Early Cytomegalovirus Testing Can Detect Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Very Young Children
What is the feasibility and cost effectiveness of incorporating cytomegalovirus (CMV) testing to determine the etiology of pediatric hearing loss?
Ventilation Tubes in Otitis Media May Lower Quality of Life
What is the impact of otitis media on patient and parental quality of life?

COSM14: Genetics Research on Hearing Loss Provides New Insights
Otolaryngologists gain better understanding of causes, therapeutic options behind progressive hearing loss in children

Is Voice Therapy Effective in Managing Vocal Fold Nodules in Children?
Voice therapy techniques can help improve voice quality in children without negative side effects