The role and timing of routine bedside layngoscopy following thyroidectomy remain controversial.

The role and timing of routine bedside layngoscopy following thyroidectomy remain controversial.
Digital health consists of the technologies that can help patients make an appointment with their provider with the use of an app on their smartphone.
Finding common ground with our patients and colleagues should take priority over any perceived differences between us.
Phone-based technologies can make it easier for patients and providers to communicate on a variety of issues, ranging from reminding patients of clinical visits to more novel uses that facilitate intervention for specific conditions.
Most cases of oropharyngeal cancer are positive for the human papillomavirus, but among Blacks, 55.3% of cases are HPV-negative, and HPV-negative cases are, to say the least, understudied, said Babak […]
Pediatric otolaryngology appointments and surgical volumes have yet to return to pre-pandemic numbers.
Arytenoid adduction suture placed in the anterior inferior thyroid ala results in the best acoustic, aerodynamic, and voice quality outcomes.
It’s important for a physician to ask him or herself, “Is it worth the risk to discuss politics with a patient?”