Findings from a recently published study of patients with larynx cancer show reduced odds of postoperative complications in patients who underwent laryngectomies in hospitals that performed more than six laryngectomies per year.
Induction Chemotherapy in Oropharynx Cancers Produces Good Long-Term Outcomes
Neoadjuvant, systemic therapy and surgical resection followed by risk-adapted adjuvant therapy allowed a high number of patients to avoid radiation therapy.

Is Deep Plane Rhytidectomy Superior to Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System Plication Facelift?
Facelift techniques have evolved over the years, and modifications will continue into the future in pursuit of producing the best long-lasting aesthetic results.
Survivors of Head and Neck Cancers Experience Long-Lasting Cognitive Deficits
Survivors of head and neck cancers are at risk for delayed neurocognitive deficits for at least two years following radiotherapy or chemotherapy
High BMI a Significant Indicator of PPI Weaning Failure
Approximately 66% of patients who were on PPIs for LPRD were successfully weaned.

Physician-To-Physician Comparison May Improve Outcomes
Healthy competition may change physician behavior—for the better

DISE Has Advantages, But Can Come Up Short on Outcomes
Panelists debate indications and pitfalls of drug-induced sleep endoscopy
High-Volume Thyroid Surgeons Have Improved Efficiency, 30-Day Outcomes
Is high-surgeon volume in thyroid surgery associated with improved surgical efficiency and 30-day outcomes, and lower hospital utilization? BOTTOM LINE High-volume thyroid surgeons are associated with improved patient safety and […]
NIH Funds Study to Improve QOL in People Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing
Researchers are developing a tool that will be able to assess health-related quality-of-life outcomes in people who are deaf or hard of hearing, with a goal of improving their overall health.

Academy of Otolaryngology to Launch National Clinical Data Registry
Otolaryngologists will soon have an easy way to track the quality of care they provide their patients
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