Video head impulse testing, vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing improve ability to probe end organ function, identify vestibular dysfunction

Nearly 2,400 attendees converged for the 2014 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings in Las Vegas
Steps to help physicians safeguard privacy, security of patients’ protected health information and ensure compliance with HIPAA rules
Conservative approaches, such as voice therapy and vocal hygiene measures, can offer sufficient improvement and avoid inherent risks of surgery
Panelists at the Triological Society’s 2014 Combined Sections Meeting discuss recent advances in otolaryngology.
Panelists offer tips for dealing with accountable care organizations, hiring mid-level providers, raising patient satisfaction scores, coding and billing changes, and supporting maintenance of certification efforts at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Miami Beach, Fla. in January
Counseling from otolaryngologists and mental health professionals, coupled with technology, can help patients with unilateral hearing loss take an active role in their recovery
Analysts predict the influx of insured patients that are expected to flood the healthcare system will likely shrink physician reimbursements, cause some otolaryngologists to flock to larger healthcare systems or limit access to patients with private insurance plans, and exacerbate the shortage of specialists
Making a successful transition to office-based inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH) surgery depends on proper coding and other financial concerns. But a more basic question first needs to be considered before breaking out the calculator: What is the optimal technique for performing the surgery?
As more otolaryngology procedures are performed in-office, practices must prepare to handle life-threatening situations