A look at how the medical marketplace works and how that affects the composition of the otolaryngology workforce.

In our otolaryngologist supply chain, no organizational negative feedback mechanism exists to apply supply controls.
Our specialty was initially worried about whether we would have enough otolaryngologists when we perhaps should have been worrying about whether we might have too many.
Most otolaryngology-related posts on Reddit are questions about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, and responses are not monitored.
President Michael Benninger, MD, reviewed the state of journal publishing and its sometimes untapped potential while underscoring the importance of being involved, even when spare time is limited.
High-profile speaker roles at national meetings can provide women starting out with needed role modeling and mentorship and promote their careers.
Strict adherence to USMLE scores may lead to disproportionally low recruitment of applicants who are female, >30 years of age, underrepresented minorities, and from institutions without an otolaryngology residency program.