A 42-year-old male was recently fitted for occupational ear molds to protect him from excessive noise exposure at work and further hearing loss. During the fitting, he experienced severe, sudden otalgia and vertigo and complained that hearing loss in the left ear, his better-hearing ear, had worsened.
Balance Development in Patients with Otitis Media with an Effusion
Does tympanostomy tube placement affect vestibular function in young children? Background: One of the most common questions we are asked as otolaryngologists is whether placement of ventilation tubes will help a […]
Biofilms in Otolaryngology: Relation to clinical disease needs more study, experts say
It is now well recognized that pathogens found in biofilms play a role in many mucosal-based otolaryngologic-related infections, but what that role is and how to prevent or treat biofilms remain unknown, concluded a panel of experts convened here on Sept. 17 at the 2011 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting.
The Great Unknowns: Panel discusses research on pediatric tonsillitis, ottitis, sinusitis
The title of this session at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting held here Feb. 4-7 asked a tough question: Why are otolaryngologists still talking about pediatric tonsillitis, otitis and sinusitis?
Specific Viral Culprit Hard to Find in Otitis Media
In a prospective study, researchers have found that most otitis media infections are associated with rhinovirus upper respiratory infections-making the prospect of a vaccine to prevent the ear infections remote.
New Cerumen Guidelines Development Process Reflects AAO-HNS’s Methodical Approach
In September, the American Association of Otolaryngologists-Head and Neck Surgeons (AAO-HNS) published the first clinical practice guidelines on the removal of impacted cerumen (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2008;139:S1-S21).
‘Doctor, My Ear Hurts’: Diagnosing Referred Otalgia
Otalgia is a common complaint of patients presenting to both general practice and otolaryngology clinics.
Researchers Close In on Ear Infection Vaccine
ENToday recently reported on a move toward more conservative use of antibiotics and ventilation tubes in the treatment of pediatric ear infections.