Otitis media history was a significant hearing impairment risk factor each period, whereas very low birth weight emerged as an important risk factor after survival chances improved.

How a Smartphone Can Detect Middle Ear Fluid
Investigators show the feasibility of using smartphones to detect middle ear fluid in children with suspected acute otitis media and acute otitis media with effusion.
Biofilms Likely Play Key Role in Pediatric Otitis Media and Otorrhea
Otitis media with effusion and recurrent acute otitis media are common problems in children
FDA Warns Against Use of Unapproved Ear Drops in Children
The FDA says that the efficacy of certain drugs to treat otitis media, otitis externa, or excessive wax buildup has not been proven, and some have reports of adverse effects

Is Nasopharyngoscopy Necessary in Adult-Onset Otitis Media with Effusion?
Nasopharyngoscopy is recommended for patients with otitis media with effusion and other signs, symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Ventilation Tubes in Otitis Media May Lower Quality of Life
What is the impact of otitis media on patient and parental quality of life?

What is the Role of Tympanostomy Tubes in the Treatment of Recurrent Acute Otitis Media?
Best practices recommend placing TT over medication in cases of recurrent AOM

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Linked to In-Utero Second-Hand Smoke Exposure
Newly Formed Society for Middle Ear Disease Aims to Educate, Advocate
The Society for Middle Ear Disease aims to promote public and professional awareness of the importance of otitis media as a major health problem.

Should Antibiotics Be Prescribed for Acute Otitis Media?
The clinical decision to treat or not to treat children with AOM remains controversial.