A CNN-based model can accurately localize and segment turbinates in images obtained during NE, signifying the feasibility of future machine learning (ML) algorithms to interpret NE findings.

What Is the Role of Nasal Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Chronic Rhinosinusitis?
Nasal endoscopy has a high specificity in identifying CRS and a high level of diagnostic accuracy when used in combination with symptom criteria
Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
Transnasal balloon catheter dilation of eustachian tube relieves ear pressure; fat graft myringoplasty highly successful in certain tympanic membrane perforations; molecular testing may improve differentiated thyroid cancer diagnoses; polysomnography widely used in pediatrics, but not up to practice guidelines; length of intubation, number of sedation doses affect subglottic stenosis risk in children; little difference between tetracaine and lidocaine for nasal endoscopy