Possibility of repealing and replacing Sustainable Growth Rate Medicare reimbursement formula seems more likely than ever, say congressional lawmakers

Possibility of repealing and replacing Sustainable Growth Rate Medicare reimbursement formula seems more likely than ever, say congressional lawmakers
A look at the functions and structure of the federally funded Medicare Shared Savings Program, and some privately run ACOs
Health care providers implore Congress to take note of the drag the Medicare reductions will have on the economy, their practices and their patients’ access to care.
New Current Procedural Terminology codes, including codes for reporting pediatric sleep studies and intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring, are now available.
Payment adjustments for penalties levied under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ PQRS mandate will be based on reported data starting in 2013
The Independent Payment Advisory Board will have the authority to cut Medicare provider spending to keep it below a cap, with unprecedented autonomy
A 27.4 percent Medicare cut was scheduled to begin Mar. 1.
The American Board of Otolaryngology is preparing to launch the final component of its maintenance of certification (MOC) program this year. In addition to the goals of lifelong learning and quality improvement, the last of this four-part program should help otolaryngologists comply with performance incentives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
One of the most common criticisms of the 2010 health care reform law is that it doesn’t do enough to reduce health care costs. Richard Gilfillan, MD, however, begs to differ.
Physician groups representing otolaryngologists have ambitious 2011 policy and legislative agendas that include pushing for replacement of the Medicare physician payment formula and helping to shape health reform’s implementation.