A fourth-year medical student who recently matched in otolaryngology share what it’s like to be in medical school during the coronavirus pandemic.
Medical Schools Trend Away from Traditional Lecture
Studies have consistently shown that active learning methods are the best way for students to understand, absorb, retain, and utilize information.
New Med School Screening Recommendations to Assess Ethics, Professionalism
The Association of American Medical Colleges is preparing a new slate of recommendations for improving the way med schools screen students in an effort to get at what kind of people the applicants are—and whether they have the qualities that will make them good, caring doctors.
Response from the editor
Dr. Sims has eloquently identified the value of diversity not only in otolaryngology, but also its contribution to the strength of the U.S. as a nation. Drs. Kuppersmith and Thomas have responded to his editorial indicating steps that the AAO-HNS has taken and is currently taking to increase diversity.