A message from ENTtoday’s physician editor, Alex Chiu, MD.

A message from ENTtoday’s physician editor, Alex Chiu, MD.
Define your own priorities, set your own goals, and carve your own path
Vanderbilt University Leadership Training Program for otolaryngology residents teaches leadership skills within medical residency
Council incorporates the ABOto Education Committee and other otolaryngology education leadership groups
The power of a career network depends on the breadth and diversity of the individuals in it
Triological Society members should strive to achieve leadership, legacy and succession, said Society President Robert H. Ossoff, DMD, MD, FACS, during his Presidential Address at the Triological Society’s 115th Annual Meeting, which was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Four tips for improving safety programs in hospitals.
The opportunity to gain more surgical experience as a facial plastics fellow was enticing to Hussein Samji, MD, MPH, as he finished his residency at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, Calif., in 2010. But after exposure to some of the more mundane aspects of the subspecialty during screening interviews, Dr. Samji said he knew it wasn’t the career path for him.
Diana C. Ponsky, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology-facial plastic and reconstructive surgery at Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, went to medical school wanting to be a pediatrician. She happened upon otolaryngology “by accident, by scrubbing into a very fascinating cancer case. I was hooked,” she now recalls.
PHOENIX-With the election of President Barack Obama and with lawmakers in Washington poised to overhaul the health care system, with patients’ faith in their doctors faltering, and with health costs continuing to rise and quality becoming ever more questionable, Gerald B. Healy, MD, took the lectern for his keynote address here as if he were taking the helm of a ship at risk of being capsized by stormy seas.