Can ultrasound replace sestamibi scans in the pre-operative evaluation of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism?

The MRI-CT Faceoff in Pre-Operative Coclear Implant Staging
There is no one right answer to the question of which imaging test is best for patients with hearing loss who are candidates for cochlear implantation. Age, underlying pathology and the ability to tolerate radiation and sedation are just a few of the variables that can determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) or both are chosen in this clinical setting.

Narrow-Band Imaging Helps Diagnose Barrett’s Esophagus, Study Shows
Patients who undergo a transnasal esophagoscopy using narrow-band imaging are more likely to have dysplasia diagnosed with a biopsy than those who have the exam using only white light, researchers have reported.
Intraoperative Volume CT Demonstrates Appeal, but Questions Remain
Intraoperative volume CT is showing promise as a tool to help with complex endoscopic sinonasal and skull base procedures.

Office-Based FNA Thyroid Nodule Biopsies a Viable Option
Physicians can successfully perform ultrasound-guided (US) fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of thyroid nodules in the office instead of referring patients to a hospital-based radiologist for the procedure, according to new data presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

To Accredit or Not to Accredit?: Accreditation Soon May Be Required for In-Office CT Scanners: Part 2 of 3
By March 1, 2008, otolaryngologists offering point-of-care CT scanning-and who are UnitedHealthcare providers-must initiate accreditation of their diagnostic facilities.

New Paradigms Emerging in Diagnosis, Management of Thyroid Cancer

The State of the Art of Image-Guided Surgery
Image-guided sinus (IGS) and skull base surgery is no longer considered experimental or investigational, and is appropriate for use by otolaryngologic surgeons to help clarify complex anatomy encountered during functional endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery (FESS).

Optical Coherence Tomography Offers Noninvasive Way to Visualize Tissues of the Larynx: This emerging technology could improve testing for laryngeal cancers

The ABCs of CPT Coding
Important aspects of coding and reimbursement for otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons-including some controversial coding issues-were covered in the American Rhinologic Society (ARS)’s Patient Advocacy Panel here at the 2006 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM).