There is a clear need for further research on genetic alterations underlying the rising incidence of HNSCC in low-risk, nontraditional patients.

Is Esophagoscopy Necessary During Panendoscopy?
The overall incidence of esophageal secondary malignancies is low in patients with HNSCC
New Immunotherapy Improves Survival Rates in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
New immunotherapy improves overall survival and improves quality of life with fewer side effects in a treatment-resistant and rapidly progressing form of head and neck carcinoma, reports a large, randomized international trial.
Fanconi Anemia Patients with HNSCC Tolerate Surgery Better than Radiation, Chemotherapy
The treatment of FA-associated HNSCC is difficult secondary to the poor tolerance of radiation and chemotherapy
High-Volume Hospitals, Surgeons Better Predictors of Overall Survival in Head, Neck Cancer
Does surgeon and/or institution resection volume predict long-term overall survival in head and neck cancer in a publicly funded healthcare system?
Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
Routine ICU admission for all post-surgical OSA patients unnecessary; parent education for adenotonsillectomy risks; resident Facebook postings impact professionalism; no difference in life expectancy with HNSCC imaging modality; nasal steroids effective in chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis; costs of laryngeal diseases.

What Is the Role of PET-CT in Residual Occult Nodal Disease?
PHOENIX-Just how useful are PET or PET-CT in identifying residual occult nodal disease in patients with head and neck cancer? Two presentations at the 2009 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting addressed this topic.