Life and medicine are continuously changing at a seemingly accelerating pace. When we attempt to avoid change and cling to the ‘way things were,’ we stop moving forward and growing.

How Physicians Can Help Make Sure Patients are Accurately Informed
Any discussion about the future of otolaryngology must include making sure our patients are informed adequately and accurately.

Why Health Literacy Is Essential to Patient Care
A look at why health literacy is an essential part of patient care and how physicians can improve.

Communication Strategies to Help Medical Providers Help Their Patients
Incorporating health literacy practices into patient care.

Recognizing Diversity is Essential for Delivering Quality, Affordable Health Care
Within the ongoing discussion on the need to reform the delivery of health care in the United States to better balance issues of cost, quality, and accessibility is an underlying issue that, if not sufficiently recognized, will undermine all efforts at reform.

Reading and Assessing the Clinical Research Literature
Do you cringe when another journal comes in, only to join the growing stack of still-unread back issues?

New Resident Assessment Standards Slow to Catch On
New mandated requirements for residents at hospitals require the young specialists to do a lot more than just attend classes; they have to be able to demonstrate that they have achieved some proficiency in specific areas of medicine.