There is no uniformity or consensus on the effective management of the N zero nodal basin in cSCC.

There is no uniformity or consensus on the effective management of the N zero nodal basin in cSCC.
Safety-net hospital treatment, socioeconomic status, Hispanic ethnicity, and non-Hispanic black race were associated with decreased
follow-up service utilization for cancer patients.
Analysis of tumor type HPV DNA has considerable promise as a biomarker for treatment response and risk of progression.
Despite the rising oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma incidences in young patients, they have improved survival rates compared to older patients.
Enhanced mucosal contact appears critical in improving curcumin release and absorption.
The hospital at which the cancer surgery is performed does seem to matter when it comes to the likelihood of survival.
Regular nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs use likely confers a statistically and clinically significant advantage disease-specific survival overall survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Otolaryngologists are now considered the go-to specialists for performing these challenging surgeries
The use of PET scan is recommended at diagnosis for patients presenting at clinical stages III and IV for head and neck cancer.
A look at evidence-based recommendations for the management of the neck in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and oropharynx.