A look at how pathologic features contribute to clinical outcomes of early oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma relative to tumor depth of invasion.
Modified Submandibular Gland Transfer Reduces Radiation Dose, Improves Xerostomia Outcomes
What is the radiation-sparing capacity and xerostomia-reducing potential of the modified submandibular gland transfer for head and neck cancer patients who receive radiation therapy?

Surgeons Describe How They Use Fluorescence to Guide Work on Head and Neck Tumors
The use of fluorescent light to see through normal tissues down to head and neck tumors is showing promise as a way of guiding surgeons and improving margins and outcomes

When Is Surgical Intervention Indicated for Vocal Fold Leukoplakia?
Management remains controversial because there is no universally accepted consensus on the threshold for surgical intervention, appropriate treatment strategy, frequency of surveillance, and ablative versus excisional management
Volumetric Changes After CRT for Head and Neck Tumors May Influence Posttreatment Dysphagia
What are the volumetric changes in pharyngeal structures in patients with head and neck cancer treated with curative chemoradiation therapy (CRT)?

Otolaryngologists See Immunotherapy as Hope for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

ACA Increased Insurance Coverage for Head and Neck Cancer Patients
The number of head and neck cancer patients covered by insurance grew significantly following implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a new study. “Overall, this study demonstrates […]

Is Routine Genetic Testing Warranted in Head and Neck Paragangliomas?
All individuals presenting with an extratympanic paraganglioma of the head and neck should undergo genetic testing.

Is It Time to De-Escalate Radiation Therapy in Patients with HPV+ HNC?
Radiation therapy has a host of drawbacks, including long-term side effects and even treatment-related morbidity in some cases.

How to Ensure Surgical Head and Neck Clinical Trials Are Beneficial to Patients
Dr. Meanna encouraged surgical oncologists not to change their management without level-1 evidence from clinical trials.
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