How does combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) compare with CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for monitoring head and neck cancer?

Transoral Robotic Surgery Newest Treatment Option for Oropharyngeal Cancers
CNB Useful in Assessing Salivary Gland Lesions
How sensitive and accurate is core needle biopsy (CNB) for salivary gland lesion assessment?
Anticoagulation Not Necessary to Prevent DVT After Head-Neck Surgery
Does peri-operative administration of anticoagulant therapy improve outcomes in patients having surgery for head and neck cancer?

HPV Related to Rise in Head and Neck Cancers
Over the past 15 years, a distinct subgroup of head and neck cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) has emerged, particularly among white males between 45 and 54 years of age

Parotid Mass Diagnostic Dilemma
A 75-year-old man presented with a left ear lobule melanoma and was found, on examination, to have a concurrent right parotid mass and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. A CT scan of the neck confirmed a 2-cm right superficial parotid mass containing both solid and cystic components without any pathognomonic characteristics, as well as bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy with multiple 2- to 3-cm lymph nodes. FNA biopsy of the parotid mass was consistent with carcinoma, whereas FNA samples from the cervical lymph nodes were non-diagnostic.
A Look at Transoral Robotic Surgery with Synchronous Neck Dissection
What is the incidence of pharyngocutaneous fistula associated with transoral robotic oropharyngectomy with concurrent neck dissection, and how can pharyngocutaneous fistula be prevented and treated? Background: Transoral resection is emerging as […]
Goiter Size Associated with Increasing Symptoms
In the preoperative evaluation of goiter, is there a correlation between goiter size and symptoms, between preoperative neck imaging abnormalities and symptoms and predictors for goiter recurrence? Background: Substernal goiter affects […]
Cost Analysis of Transoral Surgery versus XRT for Early-Stage Glottic Cancer
Which treatment for Tis/T1 glottic carcinoma among adult patients, transoral CO2 laser excision (TOL) or external beam radiation (XRT), is superior in terms of cost utility? Background: Cancer of the larynx […]
Robotic Surgery Offers Advantages for Infratemporal Fossa
Does robotic surgery provide better access to the infratemporal fossa (ITF), and is suprahyoid port placement an option? Background: Recent experimentation with robotic-assisted surgery has shown applications in head and neck […]