Larynx-preserving surgery alone and larynx-preserving surgery with radiation were associated with improved survival compared to radiation alone.
Videostroboscopy Identifies Glottic Cancer, but Not All Non-Invasive Lesions
Only approximately two-thirds of patients with non-invasive lesions are correctly identified as not having cancer by VS
Extent of ELS Resections Determines Vocal Quality Following Transoral Laser Microsurgery
Patients who undergo limited ELS resections can be assured of having a similar to improved voice after healing

Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
TLM safe salvage option for T1a and T1b glottic cancers; post-operative pain and bleeding risk following tonsillectomy; tissue-engineered regeneration of mastoid air cells improves eustachian tube function; two-stage process repairs internal lining in nasal deformity; impact of treatment modality and radiation technique in cancer patients; psychological impact of wait time for thyroid surgery