Extracapsular dissection can be an effective and low-risk method for removing benign, supercial parotid tumors that are less than 4 cm

Extracapsular dissection can be an effective and low-risk method for removing benign, supercial parotid tumors that are less than 4 cm
TORS alone effective for select cases of oropharyngeal cancer; swallowing exercises during cancer treatment and muscle maintenance; better analytic tools needed for pediatric OSA; individualized education improves language skills in UHL; vitamin a not an effective treatment for olfactory disorders; ECD as alternative surgery for benign parotid tumors.
Is extracapsular dissection a better option for benign parotid tumors? Background: While a superficial or total parotidectomy is considered the gold standard surgical intervention for benign parotid tumors, the surgery […]