Starting in 2015, the exam will include stronger emphasis on behavioral sciences and reasoning skills.

Starting in 2015, the exam will include stronger emphasis on behavioral sciences and reasoning skills.
A a medical profession, we should consider striking a middle ground between those calling for a complete ban on the sport and those advocating freedom of choice.
Physician advertising can mislead patients and change the dynamic of the patient-physician relationship into one of a consumer-client relationship, said Paul A. Levine, MD, FACS, who gave the Guest of Honor presentation here on April 20 at the Triological Society annual meeting. The meeting was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Anna M. Pou, MD, the Louisiana State University professor of otorhinolaryngology who found herself at the center of the debate over disaster medical care following her work after Hurricane Katrina, told colleagues at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting that disaster could strike anywhere, anytime and that the only way to protect themselves and their patients is to plan now.
Residents in the general surgery program at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., participate in monthly “pizza grand rounds,” in which they discuss ethics-fraught situations they encounter. Some of the situations are the subjects of papers published in Surgery. Here are summaries of a few of those published situations. The papers intentionally do not mention the actions ultimately taken, so that the attention remains on the principles and questions involved.
In this economy, investing in advertising as a way to increase profits is an attractive idea. But, before you reach out to a marketing firm, let me tell you about a recent scenario that happened to one of my physician clients.
Diana C. Ponsky, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology-facial plastic and reconstructive surgery at Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, went to medical school wanting to be a pediatrician. She happened upon otolaryngology “by accident, by scrubbing into a very fascinating cancer case. I was hooked,” she now recalls.
It’s a fact: An increasing number of American women are entering medicine. In the U.S. today, half of matriculating medical students, and 28 percent of all practicing physicians, are women.
In the more than ten years that Paul Levine, MD, FACS, has served as chair of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, he has heard his share of complaints about high-powered surgeons who are difficult to work with.