Advanced planning can keep your income, and your clinical practice, afloat
Does Total Intravenous Anesthesia Provide Significant Blood Loss Reduction During ESS?
Patients with T1 and T2N0 oral tongue cancer are likely to benefit a from specimen-driven margin assessment
Is Cocaine a Safe Topical Agent For Use During Endoscopic Sinus Surgery?
The benefits of cocaine are unique in terms of its singular ability to both vasoconstrict and anesthetize the nasal mucosa
What Is the Role of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery In Patients With Cystic Fibrosis?
TRIO Best Practice articles are brief, structured reviews designed to provide the busy clinician with a handy outline and reference for day-to-day clinical decision making. The ENTtoday summaries below include […]
Polyp Recurrence Still Common After ESS for CRS with Nasal Polyposis
Polyp recurrence is still common after ESS, with control of polyps up to 18 months found in approximately 60% to 70% of patients
QOL Comparison Between Surgeons Following ESS Possible
Comparison of surgeon outcomes of ESS is feasible, but must take into account a number of baseline patient characteristics
ESS Improves CRS-Related Subjective Olfactory Dysfunction
ESS improves CRS-related subjective olfactory dysfunction with greatest gains seen in those with poorer CT scores at baseline
Steroid-Releasing Implant after ESS Is Safe and Effective
Placement of steroid-releasing sinus implants in the FSO significantly reduces the need for postoperative interventions in patients with CRS who are undergoing frontal sinus surgery
Change in Cardinal Symptoms of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Surgery vs. Medical Therapy
For patients with CRS, endoscopic sinus surgery results in significantly greater improvement in cardinal symptoms of CRS
Dramatic Increase in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Since 2000
What are the geographic and temporal trends in sinus surgery and frontal sinus surgery in the United States?