Experts discuss how to better deliver efficient cancer care, use physician extenders in private and academic settings, and use the electronic medical record.

Experts discuss how to better deliver efficient cancer care, use physician extenders in private and academic settings, and use the electronic medical record.
Regarding the article “Malpractice and the Otolaryngologist" (ENTtoday, October 2013), EMRs are expensive, time consuming, and will lead to lawsuits
What’s more important, your computer’s hardware or its software? You tell me: What’s more important, your heart or your lungs? Obviously, if you’re going to function, you need both. The same is true for electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health record (EHR) software: Your hardware is mission-critical to the success of your electronic records, and this is not the place to compromise.
Beyond the handful of long-established and well-integrated sites being labeled as de facto accountable care organizations (ACOs), advocates are seizing the moment and pushing for a bold vision of what role ACOs will play in the movement to reform the health care payment system across the country.