Mentors can provide clinicians valuable insight, guidance through the research process, help them attain goals and save time

Medical Education Needs of the Millennial Generation
Changes in class structure, rise of self-learning, earlier hands-on clinical training, and resident work hour limits typical of new generation of medical students

Strategies for Evaluating Medical Residents
Academic otolaryngologists share tips on recognizing struggling students, providing useful feedback

Adapt Medical School Curriculum to Residents’ Learning Style
Teachers favor fewer lectures, more learner-centered approach led by students

Medical Simulation Growing Part of Medical Residents’ Education, Training

ABOto Education Council Focuses on Requirements, Standards for Resident Training
Council incorporates the ABOto Education Committee and other otolaryngology education leadership groups

Mayo Clinic Maximizes Learning Through Social Media
Clinic’s Center for Social Media showcases health-care-related videos, circulates information to health professionals nationwide

COSM13: Physician Advocates Early Specialization in Head and Neck Surgery for Residents
Revised education model would let residents explore specialty earlier, help meet demand for more surgeons, otolaryngologist Randal S. Weber, MD, told physicians at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings

COSM13: Education Expert Urges Medical Teachers to Rethink Their Approach
Changing what is taught, and how it’s taught, can maximize the effectiveness of medical education, consultant L. Dee Fink, PhD, told otolaryngologists in his keynote address at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
COSM13: TRIO President Urges Members to Help Shape the Future of the Organization
Triological Society members should seek out ways to keep the society relevant, both today and in the future, said Jesus E. Medina, MD, during his presidential address here on April 12 at the Triological Society’s 116th Annual Meeting. The meeting was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.