Chronic laryngitis is a multifactorial disease with a large differential diagnosis for the patient who presents with hoarseness. Fortunately, the diagnosis of inflamed larynx has improved in recent years.

Chronic laryngitis is a multifactorial disease with a large differential diagnosis for the patient who presents with hoarseness. Fortunately, the diagnosis of inflamed larynx has improved in recent years.
People get face-lifts and other types of cosmetic surgery to look better. They exercise so that they’ll feel better. But few people consider a voice lift, which combines surgery and exercise to make them sound better.
Patients who were allowed to test drive a vocal fold injection-and who later decided on a permanent augmentation-found that the trial treatment translated in positive outcomes, researchers have found.
Every five years I make a list of the ten toughest problems in laryngology, said Jamie Koufman, MD, Director of the Voice Institute of New York.
An expert panel containing three former American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy presidents recently provided a look at the future of allergic rhinitis, as well as a refresher on how best to treat it.
Although most respiratory papillomatosis starts in childhood, some patients develop symptoms in adulthood.