Recent publication of practice parameters for surgery in adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has set off another round of debate on the need for otolaryngologists to get involved in generating their own guidelines. Although otolaryngologists have yet to agree on whether or not the time is right for guidelines on surgical treatment for sleep apnea, consensus can be claimed regarding the need perceived by the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) to get on the evidence-based bandwagon.
Resident Restructure: Attendings adjust to new work-hour rules
The new duty hour regulation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) that limits first-year residents to 16-hour shifts has drawn a conflicted chorus of reactions from attendings, who have only seven months before the stipulation goes into effect.

Progress in Chronic Laryngitis: Improvement in diagnosis but continuing debate
Chronic laryngitis is a multifactorial disease with a large differential diagnosis for the patient who presents with hoarseness. Fortunately, the diagnosis of inflamed larynx has improved in recent years.

Medicare Battle Heats Up: Geographic Disparities spark look into spending variation
In the wake of this year’s landmark health care reform legislation, one of the most hotly debated topics comes courtesy of the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, as politicians, analysts, researchers and physicians grapple over how to resolve the contentious issue of geographical disparities in health care spending.

The Great Debate: Canal-wall-up vs. canal-wall-down surgery for pediatric cholesteatomas

Alternative Remedies for Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Are complementary and alternative treatments harmful or advisable?
Laurie McCombs, 53, has dealt with sinus problems nearly all of her adult life. Clogged sino-nasal passages made it difficult for her to breathe at night, and the congestion caused morning pressure headaches. Over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines muted her symptoms but did not address their cause. At the age of 40, she decided to take the advice of friends who had experienced relief with acupuncture. Now McCombs follows the advice of the acupuncturist, who diagnosed her with allergies to dairy products and yeast, by limiting her intake of breads and milk products. She also continues to take loratadine and has found saline irrigation with the neti pot helpful in clearing her sinuses.

Current Controversies in Rhinologic Surgery
The modified Lothrop procedure is becoming the standard method for treating severe frontal sinus disease, but the osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy still has a role.

Fungal Theory Debated in Amphotericin B Controversy
Affecting more than 30 million Americans, chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) has been a frustrating disease with no long-lasting results from traditional steroidal and antibiotic treatment, or from surgery. With both clinicians and patients desperate for a solution, it is not surprising that hope-and controversy-has arisen over a potential new therapy.

Ménière’s Disease: A Diagnosis of Exclusion with Controversial Therapies