A temporary loosening of federal regulations and expanded reimbursement has lifted a number of barriers, encouraging more physicians to experiment with telemedicine.
Leading Virtual Meetings with Physicians Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
The need for social distancing triggered by coronavirus requires a change in physician-to-physician interactions from in-person meetings to virtual.
Tips for Increasing Your Physical and Mental Well-Being During COVID-19
Connecting with others, observing your emotions and accepting that there will be new norms can help increase your well-being during the coronavirus pandemic.
How to Safely Re-engage Allergy Immunotherapy Patients after Coronavirus Shutdown
Otolaryngology practices these practices need to consider how best to re-engage their allergy immunotherapy patients, including answering: Which services to start with? Which patients? Which procedures?
Here are Best Practices to Help Ensure Safety in Pediatric Otolaryngology During the Coronavirus Pandemic
These are recommendations that pediatric otolaryngologists can adopt to provide effective care for their COVID-19 patients and ensure safety for themselves, other healthcare workers, and their patients.
Coronavirus Presents Unprecedented Moral, Professional Test for Otolaryngologists
A look at how the ethical issues that arise from coronavirus will affect practicing otolaryngologists.
Testing for Decreased Smell Function May Help Identify Coronavirus Patients Earlier
Decreased smell function is a major marker for coronavirus infection; therefore, smell testing may help to identify COVID-19 patients in need of early treatment or quarantine.
What Steps ENT Private Practices Are Taking to Financially Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic
How Medical Manufacturers Are Pivoting During the Coronavirus Pandemic
What One Physician Thinks the Future of Otolaryngology Is
A private practice otolaryngologist writes about what our “new normal” may look like after the coronavirus pandemic.