Triological President Derald E. Brackmann, MD, takes a historical look at glomus tumors and neurotology, and Pulitzer Prize winner David Oshinsky, PhD, discusses how the March of Dimes and the […]

Triological President Derald E. Brackmann, MD, takes a historical look at glomus tumors and neurotology, and Pulitzer Prize winner David Oshinsky, PhD, discusses how the March of Dimes and the […]
Robert Ossoff, DMD, MD, said he “never in a million years,” as a young doctor, thought that he would be standing at a podium giving the presidential address to the Triological Society at its Combined Sections Meeting in January.
Anna M. Pou, MD, the Louisiana State University professor of otorhinolaryngology who found herself at the center of the debate over disaster medical care following her work after Hurricane Katrina, told colleagues at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting that disaster could strike anywhere, anytime and that the only way to protect themselves and their patients is to plan now.
Four pairs of experts squared off at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting in a session of mini-debates over limits on training of residents, treatment of Zenker’s diverticulum, implantable hearing aids and the best approach to oropharyngeal cancer.
Hemangiomas in pediatric patients pose a special challenge because the proper way to proceed might not be clear immediately, according to panelists at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting.
More and more options are emerging to help patients improve their hearing, a group of aural rehabilitation panelists said on Jan. 27 at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting.