Patients with isolated face and lip angioedema, with no signs/symptoms of laryngeal and pharyngeal involvement, can be individually assessed for the need of laryngoscopy.
Patients with isolated face and lip angioedema, with no signs/symptoms of laryngeal and pharyngeal involvement, can be individually assessed for the need of laryngoscopy.
A look at how pathologic features contribute to clinical outcomes of early oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma relative to tumor depth of invasion.
A look at the association between orthonasal olfaction and chemosensory perception in patients with smell loss.
Available data suggest that complication rates of alloplastic implants are similar to those seen with autologous costal cartilage and may be acceptable in select patient populations.
Earlier forehead flap division can have a positive influence on patient quality of life and is a cost-effective option.
What is the radiation-sparing capacity and xerostomia-reducing potential of the modified submandibular gland transfer for head and neck cancer patients who receive radiation therapy?
Younger age at tracheostomy and longer cannulation period were associated with higher late postoperative complication rates.
Post-treatment improvements in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores, daytime sleepiness, and quality of life were observed after the Elevoplasty procedure.
What are the volumetric changes in pharyngeal structures in patients with head and neck cancer treated with curative chemoradiation therapy (CRT)?
Otorrhea incidence was not different with or without ear protection during water exposure among children with tympanostomy tubes.