Employed patients with spasmodic dysphonia reported voice-related work productivity impairment, which improved significantly one month after treatment with BoNT injection.
Parosmia Associated with Functional Recovery from Post-Infectious Olfactory Dysfunction
The presence of parosmia is associated with clinically relevant recovery in olfactory discrimination and identification function in patients with post-infectious olfactory dysfunction who are receiving olfactory training.
Sarcopenia Significantly Associated with Poorer Overall Survival of Patients with Head and Neck Cancers
Pretreatment sarcopenia as radiologically defined by decreased skeletal muscle index (SMI) or skeletal muscle mass (SMM) correlates with poor survival in HNC patients.
Regression Not a Negative Prognostic Indicator of Primary Cutaneous Head–Neck Melanoma
A look at the impact of regression on sentinel node status and the likelihood of recurrence in primary cutaneous melanoma of the head and neck.
Success with Mandibular Advancement During Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy Correlates with Less Success in Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation
Patients having significant airway improvement in the upper pharynx with mandibular advancement (MA) during drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) appear less likely to succeed with hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HGNS).
Patients More Likely to Survive Complex Cancer Surgery at Top Hospitals than Affiliates
The hospital at which the cancer surgery is performed does seem to matter when it comes to the likelihood of survival.
Outpatient Parotidectomies Associated with Lower Complication Rates Than Inpatient Parotidectomies
Outpatient parotidectomies are associated with similar as well as decreased complication rates as compared with inpatient parotidectomies.

Does Total Intravenous Anesthesia Provide Significant Blood Loss Reduction During ESS?
Patients with T1 and T2N0 oral tongue cancer are likely to benefit a from specimen-driven margin assessment

Does a Specimen-Based Margin Analysis of Early Tongue Cancer Better Predict Local Control?
Patients with T1 and T2N0 oral tongue cancer are likely to benefit a from specimen-driven margin assessment

Adenotonsillectomy Alone May Not Be Enough to Treat Pediatric OSA
Children with small tonsils may not experience the same benefit and may have other sources of obstruction contributing to their OSA