Patients in both the general (noncancer) and HPV-OPC populations may enquire whether they should avoid open-mouth kissing to prevent either acquiring or transmitting oral HPV infection.

Patients in both the general (noncancer) and HPV-OPC populations may enquire whether they should avoid open-mouth kissing to prevent either acquiring or transmitting oral HPV infection.
Patients with EVA are commonly discouraged from playing contact sports due to concerns about a possible risk for sudden hearing drops or vestibular dysfunction following even minor head trauma.
In elective neck dissections for most HNSCC primary sites, level IIB nodes can be left intact, thus minimizing risk of damage to the spinal accessory nerve.
A look at the ideal methods of skin preparation to reduce surgical site infection (SSI) in head and neck surgery.
The 2014 release of the tinnitus clinical practice guideline by the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) changed the way Minka Schofield, MD, treated patients with tinnitus. “Before […]
There is little physiologic data comparing Eustachian tube function in each ear, but clinically relevant information can be gleaned from studies on surgical outcomes.
The authors advise against using the packs due to potential risks
A gradual approach to the management of OME postradiotherapy is recommended