Do you cringe when another journal comes in, only to join the growing stack of still-unread back issues?

Do you cringe when another journal comes in, only to join the growing stack of still-unread back issues?
Two studies presented at recent Triological Society meetings, both of which surveyed former otolaryngology residents about current otolaryngology surgical training and postgraduate practice and referrals, shed light on the direction in which the specialty’s training may need to move.
Of the more than 13,000 health care providers who are members of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, exactly three of them officially practice holistic otolaryngology as members of the American Holistic Medical Association, which itself is only about 1,000 members strong and just now entering its 30th year.
On November 15, Pell Ann Wardrop, MD, walked into a testing center, where she sat down at a computer and took an exam.
An estimated 31 million Americans are affected by some level of hearing loss and, as the population ages, that number will continue to rise.
Ask just about any resident or young physician just starting out in practice how his or her personal life is going and the most common response you will likely get is, What personal life? or something to that effect.
Politics is not a four-letter word. Yes, some of the posturing and dogmatic stands can be off-putting, but in our democratic system, politics is necessary and important.
Despite much belief to the contrary, tobacco control has been a major public health success over the last four decades.