How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting

How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting
Good communication skills, clinical experience, and board certification also on checklist of recruiters looking to fill physician executive roles
The job of a physician executive offers a different set of challenges for otolaryngologists familiar with research and patient care
A new study suggests that serious participation in athletic activities is the best determiner of a good clinician
How to avoid restrictive employment agreements that prevent moonlighting, volunteering or appearing as an expert witness outside your clinical practice work
For mid-career job seekers, the right questions and answers can make all the difference
The power of a career network depends on the breadth and diversity of the individuals in it
A survey from 2010 reports that 21% of physicians in the United States are working part-time, compared with 13% in 2005
Assessing how "good" a doctor is calls into play many different factors that aren’t easily quantifiable